The 3rd Annual Mogul Mash is a Wrap!
@ Wilmot Mountain, WI
Description: A nondiscriminatory assembly of the most courageous, audacious and flamboyant people on earth are invited to let it all hang out “Hot Dog” style in bumps.
Due to uncharacteristic warming temps last year, the Midwest Mogul Mash returned to the new and improved Wilmot Mountain for its 3rd time in 4 years. And while Mother Nature tried her hardest to shut it down yet again, the bumps resiliency made for an incredible return. Over 50 competitors throttled the Superior face in front of hundreds of spectators. The legendary head wall flowed in parallel zipper lines to a money booter finish. Two heats for each age group had the skiers on their skis for the most of the day making for a tiring, yet rewarding experience for all. While some chose to ski alone, a growing trend was the infamous "Rat Packs" Wilmot is all too well known for. Groups of 3, 6 and at times the entire age group, would descend all at once making for a thrilling spectacle of hoots, hollers, collisions and wipe outs. At the end of if all, we awarded the podiums for overall impression and kicked back to an awesome reggae set by DJ Wolf 1200 in honor of our spiritual leader, CR Johnson.
Notable performances:
-Father, Son and Daughter: The Leverniers, all hit the podium.
-Dan Gish, former Wilmot local moved to Verbier, returned for this years event.
-Jayson Rishling & Dan Feezor ski'd in tandem every run, earning them the first ever tie for 3rd place in the Muzzle Loader category.
-Aubrey Lackhouse stomps a switch a 360 on the final feature after 3 days of practice on her final run.
-Danny Griffin, a 53 yr old snowboarder who casually puts in bell to bell 12 hr days at Wilmot, not only grabs podium, but earns this years coveted Mogul Master traveling trophy. Last years Mogul Master, Terry Ketlinski, honored Danny at the Award Ceremony with the trophy.
Categories Winners:
- Red Riders : 15 and under
1st - Tyler Levernier
2nd - Luke Goldman
3rd - Tara Levernier
- Buckshots : Under 30
1st - Seth Jackson
2nd - Connor Cetera
3rd - David Hann
- Magnums : Under 40
1st - Jason Gonzalez
2nd - Paul Yih
3rd - Dan Gish
- Muzzle Loaders : Under 50
1st - Mike Levernier
2nd - Terry Ketlinski
3rd - Jayson Rishling & Dan Feezor
- Hand Cannons : 50+
1st - George Lambros
2nd - Charles Goldman
3rd - Danny Griffin
- Knuckledraggers (snowboard) :
1st - Jacob Zeihen
2nd - Lucas Phillips
3rd - Kai Hansen
- Queens (top women) :
1st - Julie Pendleton
2nd - Aubrey Lackhouse
3rd - Tara Levernier
Specialty Awards:
Best Air - Chad Strom
Best Crash - Jimmy Barrett
Mogul Master - Danny Griffin
Finish line with the new Exhibition Quad in the background.
Dan Gish traveled from Verbier, Switzerland back to his home town to attend the event on the 4FRNT Originators.
Standard Rat Pack style Wilmot is known for.
Photos Above by Mike Stenerson
Magnum crew: Beau Mccullough leads while Casey Roddy winds up and Nick Ivie takes one to the back.
Dan Gish and Matt Sterbenz having a moment on the zipper line.
The Gonz, Jason Gonzales lands a backflip on one foot.
The Gonz in complete disbelief he landed it.
Heading and all other photos above by Leonard Cederholm
1 comment
Got dates locked down for next winter? I’ll totally make the trip from msp for this!